Annoyed with Your Husband? Never Say These Things To Your Husband
Marriage is not always sunshine, you do experience the edges in the journey of your married life. When you are annoyed and unhappy with your spouse you say a lot of things to your partner that you regret later. No matter how unhappy you are with him or how bad you are feeling because of his behavior, but you should never say a few things to your spouse.
Marriage is a very special relationship and you should never take this relationship or your partner for granted. To enjoy a blissful and happy marriage, you should always give respect to your partner. Here, we are sharing list of things which you should never say to your partner.

I can’t live with you
This is something very common among couples. Most of the couples say this to their spouse during their fights. Generally, you make statements like, “it is really difficult to live with you” or “I can’t live with you anymore” or “I want to go back to my parents’ home”. All these statements give him a feeling that you don’t believe in this relationship and it’s a kind of burden on you. This will give him a kind of negative feeling about self. Avoid such kind of statements when you are annoyed with your husband.
I don’t believe you
Trust is a very important factor in relationship. If you suspect your partner or you think that he is untruthful, saying this can affect your relationship like anything. If you have trouble with your husband’s habits, you find something suspicious, then it is better to discuss this, rather than making a fuss over it and shouting on your partner. Focus more on asking questions to clear your confusion, rather than making such bold statement. Such statement might backfire and chop your relationship.
You are overreacting
This is one statement which might annoy your partner. When you are not happy with the reaction of your partner, you tend to make statements like you are overreacting, but instead of saying things like “you are overreacting”, or “you are too sensitive”, or “you are too emotional” or “don’t be so defensive”, it is better you try to resolve the issue. Instead of telling him how to react, find ways to ease his tension and worries. Even if you are not able to resolve the issue, listen to his thoughts calmly without judging him.
I am not your maid
When you are angry with your life partner or during your fights, you make statements like, “I am not your maid”, “I have never done this in my life, but I am doing this here day and night” or “At times, I feel like I am not more than a maid in this house”, all such statements will give him a kind of feeling that he is not able to keep you happy. Such kind of statements will give him a sense that you are doing this because of some compulsion, but not because you feel yourself a part of the family. So, making such statements might irritate him and take your fight to some other level.
Are you that stupid?
Making statements like, “are you that stupid?”, “that’s an awful idea”, “how could you be so dumb?”, all such statements are very hurtful for your partner. He might be doing something in ignorance or unintentionally, but making such statements might hurt his sentiments. Supporting your partner is very important for a healthy relationship. Unsupported statements can harm your relationship with your partner.