Are you A Manglik?

Are you A Manglik? The Mangal Dosha is an astrological condition that takes place when the planet Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house as per the ascendant chart of the Vedic astrology. A girl or a boy that is born under these conditions is considered a Manglik. Being under the […]

Customs and Rituals in Brahmin Matrimonial

Customs and Rituals in Brahmin Matrimonial As per the cast system that has been followed in India for over a thousand years, Brahmins are considered to be on the top of the hierarchy, followed by Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. Even though this system is not necessarily followed as strictly in today’s day and age, many […]

Manglik Matrimonial – Facing the Challenges

You are considering getting into Manglik Matrimony but are concerned about all the taboos that revolve around it. While most astrologers do not recommend that someone with a mangal dosha marries another who is not under the effect, the gravity of the negative factors in a manglik matrimonial vary from case to case. If you […]

Current trends arranged marriages in India

Current trends arranged marriages in India Orchestrated marriage is as yet the standard in India. Presently some new raw numbers have arisen about organized relationships in India after many directed exploration and delivered the discoveries. Most outstanding certainty is that there is by all accounts no decline in orchestrated relationships with the rate consistent at […]