Hanuman Ji Favorite Food & Prasad for Lord Hanuman Pooja
What prasad to offer Hanuman Ji and why we offer sindoor to Hanuman Ji? Find an answer to “Hanuman Ji ko kya pasand hai” and “Hanuman Ji ko kaun se phool pasand hai?”
Know best prasad for Hanuman Ji and prasad for Hanuman pooja.
Lord Hanuman is the remover of obstacles: in devotional literature, Hanuman is the remover of difficulties, healer of diseases, pains and sorrows. Lord Hanuman heals all kinds of diseases, pains and sorrows of devotees.
You can receive blessings form Lord Hanuman by doing tilak of Sindoor, offering sweets, praying with red color clothes, doing Sundarkand Path, donating Ramayana Granth.
What to Offer Lord Hanuman
Sindoor offers to lord Hanuman to get his mercy. It should be orange color. Grah dosh can be removed by offering Sindoor to lord Hanuman on Tuesday. It prevents you from accidents and relieve from debt. You must have to keep it on peeple or bail leaf. Women should not offer Sindoor to Hanuman. They can offer red flower.
Jasmine Oil
There is tradition to offer jasmine oil to Hanuman. Do not offer only jasmine oil to Hanuman. You must have to add Sindoor in it. There is a special fragrance in jasmine oil and it is also used in medicinal purpose. Your mind gets concentration and vision increases. Enemies set back by lighting jasmine oil to Hanuman.
Red Flag
You can offer red flag to the lord Hanuman’s temple. It must be triangular and Ram should be written on it. If you offer it on Tuesday then you can get early money. If you keep red flag on your vehicle then you keep away yourself from accidents.
Offering basil to lord Hanuman is the special remedy. He satisfies only with basil. You cannot satisfy him with other stuff. Prosperity remains forever if you offer basil necklace to Hanuman on Tuesday. You can also eat basil, which is offer to Hanuman, it gives you good health.
Usually lord Hanuman can be praised by laddoo. You can offer corn or bundi laddoo to Hanuman. There are 9 planets in the bundi’s laddoo. You must have to keep basil leaf in bundi’s laddoo before dainty it to Hanuman. You must have to eat this dainty and give it to others.
Writing Ram Name
Lord Hanuman can be more praised by worshiping lord Ram. Take peeple leaf and keep jasmine oil and write Ram with Sindoor. Offer it to Hanuman. You must have to pray for your problem.
Also, on Saturdays go to lord Hanuman temple and offer sesame, sugar and red gram (pigeon pea) to the Lord. Do it for 11 weeks and you will see a real change in your problems.