Planning your Matrimonial Without Losing your Mind
The chaos of organizing a wedding is unimaginable. Especially in an Indian matrimonial setting where there a million events to organize and a very large party needs to be hosted over a span of 3 to 5 days. Indian marriages are very elaborate and can organizing one can often become very stressful for the family members as well as the bride and groom. With the list of things to do never ending, it is important for one to keep their calm and do things to de-stress yourself every once in a while to make sure that the planning doesn’t overwhelm you too much.

Focus on the events:
Most Indian matrimonial events consist of a Mehendi, Sangeet, Wedding and Reception. In addition to this, there are a number of miscellaneous smaller events and rituals depending on the ethnicity of the bride and groom. Coordinating and planning these events can be really stressful especially when there are chances of difference in opinions, likings and budgets between families. As the bride and the groom, you need to be able to open doors to communication to such as extent that you are able to arrive at middle ground which is suitable to all the parties involved.
It’s About the Bride as well as the Groom:
Brides tend to make the entire wedding about themselves. Do remember that this is also a big day for your finance and make sure they get their due. It is understandable that the décor, your make-up and your outfit may not be your husband-to-be’s area of specialty, but try involving him in as many decisions as possible. Organizing this event is probably a pre-test to how you will manage your matrimonial life in the future. The more you are able to work together, the better.
Finally, remember that this day is never going to come back, so when you finally arrive on the D-Day, remember to cherish and enjoy every moment of it. There is no point in worrying about the flower arrangements and the music band any more. Make the most of the special moment you are sharing with your partner and look forward to a lifetime of happiness.